Euro ArtDeco - 歐藝精品坊 (European Antiques plus Vintage and Collectables-歐洲古董/歐洲傢俬/家居佈置/家居擺設/家居裝飾/傢俬/歐洲燈飾/精品/擺設/銀器/水晶/歐洲茶具/古老大鐘/hightea/貴族)促銷清貨大減價 Clearance Sale促銷清貨大減價 Clearance Sale
五月好消息! 又一個40尺貨櫃載著數千件古董及精品將從歐洲運到香港! 歐藝精品坊現正進行迎新清貨大減價, 大量貨品減至半價, 全部貨品均獨一無二, 大家不要走寶啊!
Good news! thousands new stock coming soon! We can't wait to show you the spectacular new items. We are now on Clearance Sale! Well here's your chance, so hurry up!
歐藝精品坊 Euro ArtDeco|
Check out our NEW collection (3000+ !)-請click入欣賞我們三千多件新一系列的精品 (歡迎合作諮詢 Dealers wanted).|Address : Unit B1, 2F, Gee Chang Industrial Building. 108 Lok Shan Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon. Opening Hour: 2pm-6pm daily. 地址:土瓜灣落山道108號志昌工業大廈二樓B1室。營業時間 每日下午二時至六時,或電話預約。Tel/Whatsapp: 2690 0397 , Wechat-微信號 (請諮詢)
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歐藝精品坊 Euro ArtDeco

Address : Unit B1, 2F, Gee Chang Industrial Building. 108 Lok Shan Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon. Opening Hour: 2pm-6pm daily.
地址:土瓜灣落山道108號志昌工業大廈二樓B1室。營業時間 每日下午二時至六時,或電話預約。
Tel/Whatsapp: 2690 0397 , Wechat-微信號 (請諮詢)